Take Action


On June 5, 2024, Republican senators blocked the Right to Contraception Act, a bill that would have protected our right to use basic birth control like IUDs. Americans need to know that Republican politicians are trying to take away our freedom to plan our families. Choose a piece of content from our toolkit and help get the message out now.

Spread the Word


Protecting the right to contraception should be a priority for Arizona’s state leaders (learn more). Make sure they know you want them to act: Send a letter to your state legislators urging them to take up and pass the Right to Contraception Act.

Send a Letter


Protecting the right to contraception should be a priority for Tennessee’s state leaders (learn more). Make sure they know you want them to act: Send a letter to your state legislators urging them to take up and pass the Right to Contraception Act.

Send a Letter


Governor Youngkin needs to know how important contraception is for Virginia families (learn more). Will you call his office now and urge him to protect this vital freedom?

Call the Governor


Please show that passing the right to contraception is a priority for Wisconsin: Sign the petition below calling on legislators to act now. Protecting our freedom to plan our families can't wait (learn more).

Sign the Petition